Thursday, November 17, 2011

Interview with Aeneas

The Academy Inquisitor

Question: Aeneas how do you feel about the fall of Troy?
Answer: I feel very aggravated at the loss of Troy, but it probably was fate for it to fall since I never would have been sent to found a new Troy.

Question: Do you think Laocoon deserved to die the he did?
Answer: No, I do not because he was doing what was best, but unfortunately fate did not want him to reveal the horse's secret so Athena had to send those snakes to keep it secret.

Question: Aeneas how do you feel about the gods intervening to maintain the order of fate?
Answer: To be honest I feel very angry toward fate because all it has caused is the loss of my wife and my homeland, and the gods I feel hostile towards them as well because many of them controlled everything mostly for the Greek cause which led to the losses of good people.

Question: What do you think of Helen?
Answer: Never say her name in front of me, she caused all our troubles, because of her I lost many relative's, my wife, Troy, the death of Hector our greatest warrior, and witnessed the savagery of the Greeks. All because she was fated to be seduced by Paris and caused that cursed war. I disdain fate very much now because it was not my fate to slay that woman and get revenge.

Question: Lastly, not to sound like I'm repeating myself, but what do you think of fate in general throughout war?
Answer: Really, you're asking me that? Fine, I hate fate because it caused the war, I lost many of my comrades, I was forced to leave my homeland in shame for not being able to protect it, it never granted me the satisfaction of revenge on that woman, and my wife is gone. Fate is cruel, just as the gods because they manipulated us to keep fate on its path. Hopefully in the end we will gain our revenge on those Greeks for everything they have done.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

POV- Helen and Cassandra

Oracle of Woe
Hector now returns
I am the first to see Him
My heart is crying

The tragedy of Helen's War
I started the war
for my heart yearned for Paris,
but my heart felt sadness for his
body returned home in his
father's arms

POV- vantage point or stance from which a story is told, the eye and mind through which the action is perceived and filtered